Monday, August 1, 2011

living like a flower

 I found this quote and am quite enchanted with it..

"It does not astonish or make us angry that it takes a
whole year to bring into the house three great white
peonies and two pale blue iris.  It seems altogether
right and appropriate that these glories are earned
with long patience and faith. . . . and also that it is
altogether right and appropriate that they cannot last.
Yet in our human relations we are outraged when
the supreme moments, the moments of flowering,
must be waited for. . . . and then cannot last.  We
reach a summit, and then have to go down again."
May Sarton

Living as we do in the presence of growing flowers it makes all the more sense.. I am inspired to find more of this special and widely acclaimed writer and to invite her into my garden...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

the snow is here

out of nowhere- well not actually..out of huge fluffy to downright dangerous clouds came this blizzardy type weather..snow all over..traffic piled up and everyone who could staying indoors...except for those who could not resist the sparkle and the gleam and the pure delight of all that white contrasting with everything around it. Here dear friend Michele...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The poppies are back !!

At last there is brightness in this cold cold winter as the poppies are certainly budding and even flowering with little islands of bursting colours amidst some frosted plants...what magic abounds..

Friday, August 13, 2010

years have passed many seasons changed

2010 is here and so are the flowers - at last the Icelands are opening up and showing their beauty. I am no longer alone in the garden....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tuesday terrific tuesday and the no sign of the mother ship in the skies and talk of dark forces all around us and what to believe- another time of doom threat and gloom in the face of more information than ever before availible to all of us to make sense of what we are creating...

the garden- is water logged and well very wet!!!!! I am pulling and planting and rukking and plukking!!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

frogs crickets and the mist

Tonight I can hear the crickets, frogs all muffled by the mist and the rain.

As a passionate gardener I am thrilled with
all this moistness falling to the ground.